It’s so bad that visiting a website in 2023 is like falling into a blackhole and being hit by a bunch of random junk on your way to being crushed into an infinite nothing in the center. No, I don’t want to give you permission about cookies, no I don’t want to sign up to your newsletter, no I don’t want to talk with some half-baked chatbot.
With only a single div and browser-supported CSS properties, it may seem like the tools are too limited. I found it’s not always what you have to work with, but how you look at them.
For me, 2022 is the best year ever for CSS. We got a lot of new stuff supported in stable browsers and it’s just like living a dream. From CSS subgrid, :has selector, container queries, and the new viewport units. So many things to grasp, I understand - but I’m sure we agree that this is exciting, isn’t it?
Recently, the Chrome team released experimental support for a new proposed CSS spec, style queries. In short, they let us query the style of a container, rather than the size only. This can be helpful in cases where querying the container size isn’t enough.
I can’t contain my excitement while writing the first few words for this article. Ladies and gentlemen, CSS container queries are finally here! Yes, you read that right. They’re currently supported in Google Chrome (105) and soon in Safari 16. This is a huge milestone for web development. For me, I see it just like when we started building responsive websites via media queries, which is a game changer. Container queries are equally important (from my point of view, at least).
Developers often reach for UI frameworks like Bootstrap or Material UI, hoping that they’ll save a bunch of time and quickly build a professional-looking app. Unfortunately, things rarely work out this way. Let’s talk about it.
You may not think about images as part of your web dev work, but they can affect your web app's performance more than any other part of your code.
You know how you can get cardboard boxes that come totally flat? You fold ‘em up and tape ‘em to make them into a useful box. Then when it’s time to recycle them, you cut them back apart to flatten them. Recently, someone reached out to me about essentially this concept as a 3D animation and I thought it would make an interesting tutorial to do it entirely in CSS, so here we are!
We cannot talk about web development without talking about Responsive Design. It’s just a given these days and has been for many years. Media queries are a part of Responsive Design and they aren’t going anywhere. Since the introduction of media queries (literally decades ago), CSS has evolved to the points that there are a lot of tricks that can help us drastically reduce the usage of media queries we use.
One of the first things that drew my attention was the large image of Kody (🐨) on the landing page. He’s surrounded by objects and that, to me, screamed, “Make me move!”
In part three of our series we’ll look at how to create more interesting shapes with trigonometry, and how to draw them with the Canvas API.
Working on a web design involves handling the design for different screen sizes. Based on those designs, the developer will use CSS media queries to detect the viewport width or height, and then alter the design based on that. This is how we used to design web layouts for the past 10 years, and it’s about to get even better. I have some good news for you.
An extensive guide on how to style for RTL in CSS
When someone says 'SVG animation', what do you picture?
From conversations at my workshops I've noticed that most people think of illustrative animation. But SVG can come in handy for so much more than jazzy graphics.
Énormément de personnes semblent vouloir jouer avec les couleurs de l’année de la marque Pantone. Peut-être que ces couleurs inspirent d’avantage les créatifs. Notez cependant que leur utilisation dans le web, ou le numérique, peut avoir des impacts sur l’accessibilité de vos créations. Petite note sur le sujet.
I researched about a resource to learn the differences between grid and flexbox, with examples on both, but I couldn’t find any. I decided to write an in-depth article that covers everything about that topic. I hope you found it clear!
Everyone has special and perhaps, particular, tastes when it comes to their code editor. There are literally thousands of themes out there, and for good reason: a thing of beauty and enhancement to productivity for one can be a hindrance to another.
Lorsque vous devez travailler sur des interfaces, le contraste des couleurs est une réalité dont vous devez tenir compte pour la rendre accessible.