Last week, the CSS WG resolved to add an inline if() to CSS. But what does that mean, and why is it exciting?
It’s so bad that visiting a website in 2023 is like falling into a blackhole and being hit by a bunch of random junk on your way to being crushed into an infinite nothing in the center. No, I don’t want to give you permission about cookies, no I don’t want to sign up to your newsletter, no I don’t want to talk with some half-baked chatbot.
A few days ago I blogged about managing state in Vue apps with Vuex modules. I’m currently grappling with some fairly complex state management in a Vue app, and I wanted to share a bit about my process and how I’ve made it more manageable.
With only a single div and browser-supported CSS properties, it may seem like the tools are too limited. I found it’s not always what you have to work with, but how you look at them.
For me, 2022 is the best year ever for CSS. We got a lot of new stuff supported in stable browsers and it’s just like living a dream. From CSS subgrid, :has selector, container queries, and the new viewport units. So many things to grasp, I understand - but I’m sure we agree that this is exciting, isn’t it?
Recently, the Chrome team released experimental support for a new proposed CSS spec, style queries. In short, they let us query the style of a container, rather than the size only. This can be helpful in cases where querying the container size isn’t enough.
…so many other industries. Yet, I find that working in front-end development still places a heavy emphasis on one person — or very few people — doing the job.
I can’t contain my excitement while writing the first few words for this article. Ladies and gentlemen, CSS container queries are finally here! Yes, you read that right. They’re currently supported in Google Chrome (105) and soon in Safari 16. This is a huge milestone for web development. For me, I see it just like when we started building responsive websites via media queries, which is a game changer. Container queries are equally important (from my point of view, at least).
L’ajout de logs dans une application est essentiel. Ceux-ci permettent entre autres d’identifier les erreurs survenues dans celle-ci, de créer des pistes d’audit, de fournir des informations sur l’application ou encore sur le comportement des utilisateurs, bref la liste peut être encore longue. Et vous savez quoi ? Ben, aujourd’hui on ne va pas du tout parler de la bonne utilisation des logs, mais plutôt partir à la découverte d’une librairie qui va nous faciliter la création de ceux-ci 😜.
In general, I treat useState as the default tool for the state management job. In many situations, I have a single state to manage and writing a few declarative state updaters for that state does the trick. That said, there are certain conditions that make useReducer a better choice.
Complètement inexistante il y a à peine soixante ans, l’industrie informatique est aujourd’hui devenue la plus importante du monde. Le monde est contrôlé par l’informatique. Comprendre l’informatique est devenu l’une des seules manières de préserver notre individualité et de lutter contre les intérêts d’une minorité.
Developers often reach for UI frameworks like Bootstrap or Material UI, hoping that they’ll save a bunch of time and quickly build a professional-looking app. Unfortunately, things rarely work out this way. Let’s talk about it.
Last month I wrote about some of the exciting new CSS features you can expect to see coming to a browser near you in 2022 for Smashing Magazine.
You may not think about images as part of your web dev work, but they can affect your web app's performance more than any other part of your code.
2022 is shaping up to be a pretty great year for CSS, with a plethora of new features on the horizon. Some are already starting to land in browsers, others are likely to gain widespread browser support in 2022, while for one or two the process may be a little longer. In this article we’ll take a look at a few of them.
Most uses of React hooks should be encapsulated in a custom hook, and I'm going to try and convince you of that on this post.
I want to introduce you to a new, experimental form control called <selectmenu>. We’ll get deep into it, including how much easier it is to style than a traditional <select> element. But first, let’s fill in some context about why something like <selectmenu> is needed in the first place, as it’s still evolving and in development.
Au Sénat, la proposition de loi « pour la mise en place d’une certification de cybersécurité des plateformes numériques destinée au grand public » a été adoptée sans modification en commission. Elle sera examinée en seconde lecture lors de la séance du 24 février.
Tremblement de terre dans l'univers de la mesure d'audience. Pour la CNIL, les transferts vers les États-Unis des données collectées par Google Analytics sont illégaux. L’autorité, qui suit ses homologues autrichiens et néerlandais, met en demeure un site. Il dispose d'un mois pour se conformer au RGPD et au besoin d’abandonner la solution Google.
With a bit of creativity using native web functionality and modern CSS, like CSS scroll snap, we’ll be building a no-JavaScript slide deck that allows live editing of CSS demos. The final deck will be responsive and shareable, thanks to living inside of a CodePen.
Desktop environment in the browser made by Dustin Brett.